1. NAME: The Community Chorus
  2. PURPOSE: To present a program of sacred music at Christmas for the entire Community.
  3. TIME OF PERFORMANCE: Second Sunday in Advent
  4. PLACE OF PERFORMANCE: Alternating between the First Baptist Church of Elkin and the First United Methodist Church of Elkin
    1.  Officers
      1. Five Officers - each serving two years:
        1. President
        2. Vice President
        3. Secretary
        4. Treasurer
        5. Publicist
      2. The Vice-President is elected each year and assumes the office of President the second year.
      3. The Secretary, Treasurer, and Publicist are elected on alternate years.
      4. It is strongly suggested that the Vice-President be a member of the host church.
    2. Annual Responsibilities
      1. Select the director(s) and accompanists.
      2.  Select the nominees for the new offices.
      3.  Draft and adopt a budget.
      4.  Distribute and manage all funds.
      5.  Advise the director(s) on the type of music for the program.
      6.  Set the number and the dates of the rehearsals.
      7. Establish the attendance requirements for the rehearsals.
      8.  Help the director(s) or appoint a committee to help the director(s) set up and dismantle the rehearsal area for each rehearsal and for the concerts.
      9.  Decide on the program cover and the contents of the program.
      10. Mail postcards to area churches.
      11.  Mail letters to potential participants.
    1. President
      1. Call and conduct all meetings of the Community Chorus Committee.
      2. Conduct all business meetings of the Chorus.
      3. Coordinate the work of the other officers.
      4. Plan, prepare the layout, proofread, and be responsible for getting the program printed.
      5. The outgoing President will call a joint meeting of the incoming and outgoing committees in January or February. At this meeting, the outgoing officers should give their successors all materials relating to their offices.
    2. Vice President
      Work with the director(s) and/or host church scheduling the following:
      1. Rehearsals
      2. Concerts
      3. Robes
      4. Ushers for both concerts
      5. Appoint a head usher to see that the offerings are given to the Community Chorus Treasurer after each program.
      6. Interpreter for the hearing impaired for the afternoon performance as needed.
      7. Coordinate the scheduling of the nursery workers for all rehearsals and the concerts, with children in nursery to be age newborn to 5th grade.
      8. Request the host church pastor deliver the invocation at both concerts.
      9. Arrange for the last five rehearsals to be recorded and arrange for the two concerts to be recorded.
      10. Make arrangements for concert meal.
    3. Secretary
      1. Keep the minutes of all Community Chorus meetings.
      2. Send cards to area churches in August/early September to alert their members to upcoming rehearsal and concert schedules.
      3. Distribute pre-rehearsal and pre-concert information letters to prospective participants.
      4. Maintain and annually a record of the names and addresses of current members as well as prospective members of the chorus.
      5. Send thank-you notes to the appropriate people after the concerts.
      6. Make copies of hymns or music as necessary for program.
    4. Treasurer
      1. Keep records of all financial actions.
      2. Prepare annual budget.
      3. Keep of all expenses and all bills.
      4. Provide any necessary financial reports.
      5. Collect offerings from both concerts from head usher.
      6. Distribute honoraria to directors, musicians, guest soloists, etc on the date of the concerts.
      7. Pay nursery workers each week.
      8. File taxes as appropriate and pay all fees associated with the Chorus' designation as a 501(c)(3) agency.
    5. Publicist
      1. Work with local radio and television stations to publicize date of performances.
      2. Arrange for recording of performance to be delivered to WIFM 100.9 radio station for airing of performance.
      3. Work with local newspapers (Tribune, Journal Patriot, Ripple) to publicize date of performances.
      4. Help with design and distribution of posters to publicize date of performances.
      5. Obtain picture during performance for following year publicity

Revised 2010; Revised 2004; Revised 2002;  Revised 1998; Revised 1995; Revised 1981; Revised 1974

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